Wedding Party

Josh - Groom

Rylie Meier - Bride

Sophia Gerasimovich - Maid of Honor
I have known Sophia since 8th grade and we became great friends after High School!

Hannah Catalino - Bridesmaid
I met Hannah my freshman year of college and we were friends all four years and 4 life.

Katie Naprawa - Bridesmaid
Katie and I lived in Bville and went to the same church, but only met in college! We have been laughing every day since <3.

Grace Feng - Bridesmaid
I met Grace sometime in like the 2nd grade, we've experienced so much life together, and we be tight.

Sophia Koshy - Bridesmaid
Sophia is my friend and soon to be sister! She's the younger sister I never had <3.

Abheek - Best Man

Trent - Groomsman
Trenton is Josh's friend and Rylie's brother and this is his iconic face.